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A 501(c)(3) service learning public charity.
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A 501(c)(3) service learning public charity.
Though we started from one child's desire to serve, we know engage a full community of youth, families & individuals who want to help their community. Come Join Us! (pic from 2018)
KIDS CARE was started by an 8-year-old girl who wanted the world to know that kids do care. Jaida Burke was given a homeschool assignment to make an acrostic poem with any choice of words. She received the assignment while driving around in the car and finished it in a few short minutes. She chose the word "KIDS," and when her mom asked her what it stood for, she said, "Kindness In Doing Service."
Pulling over right away, she and her mom had a fantastic talk about why she chose those words, what she wanted to do, why she wanted to do it, and with whom she wanted to do it. Jaida said she wanted to start a club with kids to do nice things for other people, the way kids wanted to do it. Jaida and her mother, Amie Burke, created the second half of their name, CARE, which is also an acrostic poem and stands for "Connecting And Respecting Everyone."
With Jaida's idea, KIDS CARE was instantly born as a kids' club in the fall of 2018. After a short time, it was determined that there was a need within our community to offer a way for kids of all ages to volunteer, and so KIDS CARE became an official nonprofit in January of 2019. The core mission remains the same: to create opportunities for youth to serve in our community. The kids' ideas for community service are heard and supported, with Amie turning these into monthly opportunities for kids and families to serve in Cobb County. KIDS CARE also promotes Kindness and encourages environmental stewardship.
KIDS CARE is in our 6th year of being a service learning nonprofit in Cobb County, GA. Our mission is to create youth community service experiences, encourage Kindness and promote environmental stewardship. In 2024, we engaged 350 volunteers of all ages, who served 895 hours in 22 service experiences right here in Cobb County.
We offer monthly volunteer opportunities for ALL AGES. Intergenerational volunteering allows for growth, giving and exchanging of life energy/ideas which creates a well-rounded and beneficial experience for all ages. Most of our volunteer experiences stem from the kids' ideas on how and who they want to serve. All volunteer experiences are used as service-learning opportunities to discuss a range of social and emotional topics including empathy, compassion, kindness, awareness of the needs of others plus the in depth learning one acquires from hands on helping.
Due to the undeniable passion that youth have about our environment KIDS CARE also promotes environmental stewardship with litter pickups, community workdays, planting trees and learning sessions about our natural environment.
Check out our social media and website to see all the fun ways we Create Kindness! Come join us in 2025!
👉 We are looking to form new partnerships with volunteers, donors, supporters and corporate sponsors to help us on our mission.👈
Come join us - give back to our community, express Kindness and make the world a better place - one Kind act at a time!
Please see our "Volunteer" Page for new events & our "We Gave" Page for how we have impacted our community.
Whether you help through monetary donations, in kind donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth -- thank you. We couldn't accomplish our volunteer missions without the help of supporters like you.
Who are we? Why did we start a nonprofit? Take a listen to this video produced by our friends at the "Spread Good Squad" to get to know KIDS CARE co-founders Jaida & Amie Burke.
How have we spread good? How have our kids been kind? Take a listen as we think back to how we have spread good over the past four years with KIDS CARE.
KIDS CARE inspires volunteers, community and each other to be FREE TO BE KIND! We are also unique because we create space to LISTEN TO YOUTH VOICES!
Copyright © 2018 KIDS CARE - All Rights Reserved.